School Uniform
- Navy trousers, skirt or tailored shorts
- Light blue polo shirt with school crest (children with sensory needs can wear unbranded)
- Navy v-necked jumper or cardigan with contrasting blue trim with school crest
- Black Shoes or all black unbranded trainers
- Navy or white socks or navy tights
- As above with the option of navy shorts or the stripped summer dress in summer (optional item)
Option 2
- Navy skirt, trousers or tailored shorts
- Light blue polo shirt with school crest (children with sensory needs can wear unbranded)
- Navy v-necked jumper or cardigan with contrasting blue trim with school crest
- Black shoes with sensible low heels
- Navy socks or navy tights
- As above with option of La Moye School striped summer dress / sandals (not open-toed) / navy shorts (All optional items)
P.E. Kit
Pupils come to school in PE Kit on the days they have PE
- Navy regulation shorts
- Light blue polo shirt with school crest (or previous navy branded logo t-shirt, children with sensory needs can wear unbranded)
- Navy Round Neck Sweatshirt embroidered with the school crest (or previous tracksuit top w/logo)
- Navy jogging bottoms or leggings under shorts for the winter or the previous tracksuit bottoms
- Black trainers with no branding
- Unbranded navy or white socks